Download Pymol Free For Mac

This is a quick “how to” post. There is a licensed version of PyMol (MacPyMol) available, but the open source version can be installed on a Mac free of charge. The official page has a guide, which is not terribly detailed, and I found this excellent guide which is unfortunately out-of-date.

PyMOL Other software can be installed upon request. MAC (running OS X) MS Office Adobe Suite PyMOL Other software can be installed upon request. Linux Protein Data Bank (Database of 3-dimensional structures of proteins and nucleic acids) CCP4 (Software for Macromolecular Crystallography) Phenix (Crystallographic refinement software). Great post on compiling pymol from Golke’s.whl. I followed all the steps in your.bat file (without your files — I was using the updated v1.7.5 pymol files from Golke’s website) and was able to generate the PyMOL.exe executable in my PYTHONPATH folder.

Here is an updated guide to installing PyMol using Homebrew on macOS Mojave 10.14.3

Step 1 is to install Homebrew

Next step is to install the PyMol dependencies using Homebrew

Now install PyMol.

You can now run PyMol by typing

Download Pymol Free For Mac

The MPIBR-Bioinformatics page has the following guide to make a little executable app to launch PyMol straight from the Desktop.

  • Open Automator, which is in Applications in macOS.
  • Create new document, select “Application”.
  • Select “Actions” and “Library” in the left pane. Select “Utilities” and “Run Shell Script”. Drag this into the main pane.
  • Choose “/bin/bash” as a shell.
  • Paste the following: /usr/local/bin/pymol -M. If this doesn’t work, check the path to pymol using which pymol in the terminal, and use this instead.
  • Save the application (“File > Save”) to the Desktop and name it “PyMol”.

Download Pymol Free For Mac Os

Now you can double-click this app to run PyMol.