Giants Editor Download For Mac

- 24 textures for painting the area
- All buildings have been removed from the map and have been added as 'plecable' versions
(Unfortunately, due to game restrictions, the machine and animal shop had to remain permanently on the map and moved to a different location)
- A lot of new facilities: 2x BGA, 2x Sawmill, etc.
(14 objects in total in the 'Farmhouses' category)
- Field numbers have been removed
- No transport missions due to the lack of permanent buildings
- 100% of the terrain (outside the map edges - game restrictions) can be modified and painted
- New background
Welcome to the map of FlatMap
A flat map was created and prepared for full edition in the game.
- Map is created for players who want to create their own map from beginning without using GIANTS EDITOR.
- In the MODHUB there are available a whole range of objects: trees, stones, buildings, signs and many useful mods ready to be placed on the map.
- The map is completely flat but creators have created the perfect tool for total terrain transformation, so you can modify it as you want to.
- On the map there are basic buildings needed for the game (purchase, sawmill, BGA, spinning mill, etc).
- The whole area is divided into 64 areas.
- You can create any number of farms and fields.
- Create your own piece of world with your own principles!!!
- Support for 'SEASONS' modifications
- Lowering the sea level from 99 to 90 units.
- Fixed terrain editing issue in many places
- A terrain editing block has been added throughout the facilities: shops, store, sawmill, etc.

Giants Editor Download For Mac Free

Giants editor download for mac free

Giants Editor Download For Mac Full

Map is created for players who want to create their own map from beginning without using GIANTS EDITOR. In the MODHUB there are available a whole range of objects: trees, stones, buildings, signs and many useful mods ready to be placed on the map. This mod can be used to create a network of routes for vehicles to drive autonomously. Once setup you can tell a tractor which is standing anywhere close to the network to drive to any point, such as the shop, field 1 or to a sell point. Text editor with outlines; remarkably flexible tree structure. Written in Python using Qt. MORE: Mac OS 7/8/9 Classic Mac outliner from the late 1980s & early 1990s MyInfo: Windows Two-pane, but can emulate basic one-pane outliner as well. Outline: Mac OS X Digital notebook for private and business use. OmniOutliner: Mac OS X.