Wep Key Generator 64 Bit

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Wep Key Generator 64 Bit Windows 10


Wep Key Generator 64 Bit Windows Xp

// Created by: Jess Bodzo
// The code below is a simple WEP key generator based off a given passphrase
var psk ='password'
let m =UInt(1<<32)
let c =UInt(0x269ec3)
let a =UInt(0x343fd)
funcwep_encrypt_64(passphrase: String) -> [String] {
/** Convert the passphrase into a unicode value representation **/
var arr: [UInt] = [0,0,0,0]
let unicode_scalars = passphrase.utf16
let unicode_byte_values: [UInt] = unicode_scalars.map({UInt($0asUInt16)})
/** Generate array values based off cycling through the array and performing XORs **/
for (var i =0; i < passphrase.characters.count; i++) {
let arr_index = i &3// Cycles through indices of arr {0,1,2,3,0,1,..}
arr[arr_index] ^= unicode_byte_values[unicode_byte_values.startIndex.advancedBy(i)]
// Linearly shift the values by 8 times the index position
var p =0
let shifted_arr = arr.map({UInt($0<<UInt(8*p++))})
// Reduce the linear shift result by successively OR'ing with each index
let x = shifted_arr.reduce(0) { (reduction, operand) ->UIntin reduction | operand }
// Generate each part of the key using the recursive relationship defined for WEP
let i_keys =linear_congruential_gen(x, 20)
// Final resulting keys generated by combining the key parts
var keys: [String] = []
// The loop below reduces each cluster of 4 unsigned integers into their hexadecimal representation in a String
for (var j =0; j <20; j+=5) {
keys.append(i_keys[j..j+4].reduce(String('')) { (var key, piece) ->Stringin
return key +String(format: '%2X', piece)
return keys
funclinear_congruential_gen(varx: UInt, _iter: Int) -> [UInt] {
var i_keys: [UInt] = []
for (var i =0; i < iter; i++) {
x = (a * x + c) % m
i_keys.append((x >>16) &0xff)
return i_keys
var psk_64 =wep_encrypt_64(psk)
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